Friday 25 May 2012

Ceri & Belang & Kucing Gemuk

Kucing.....kucing......kucing.....tak ada cerita apa2, just nak share gambar masa time makan kucing ni.....

Tunggu masa nak makan, kalau bukan masa makan tak nampak batang hidung!
Dah puas mengiau, Ceri rileks kejap
Ni sebab Ceri diberi nama Ceri - byk spots kat badannya

Kucing gemuk ni pun tunggu makan
Belang berehat depan rumah lepas dh kenyang

Tunggu Belang makan dulu
Ceri & Kucing gemuk (yang sebenarnya agak manja sebab nak makanan kot)

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Too nice to handle

I was informed that I am too "nice" - coming from a colleague who have been working together with me for the past 10 years, and thus probably thinks that he/she have an authority to inform me on this matter. This colleague mentioned that 10 years ago I was too naive and thinks everybody is "good". Obviously judging from my colleague's tone, that it was an error in my character because whenever the colleague and some other colleagues tried to bitch about somebody that I know, I would say that people is basically good. I was probably mentioning something positive or an unknown fact about the person that they seem to have beef with. So this makes it hard for them to bitch or gossip about other people to me as I was perceived as too nice to participate in this bitching ritual.

What is wrong with this picture? Is being nice/good considered a flaw in a person these days? Or is it because I don't participate in their vicious gossips and probably a deterrent in rumour mongering among themselves? I don't know.

They were glad that I have grown up and became more skeptical about people. Maybe I have grown up and have a different perspective about how the world works now but in my heart of heart, I still think people is good. Unless they have proven otherwise to me. Maybe thinking that everyone is good is a dangerous notion in this day and age because we don't know if that person might be a psycho or harbouring something dark in their heart. What this colleague perceived as me being more skeptical most probably came from my knowledge of things happening around the office, and thus made me privy to information most people don't know of.

They probably think if they bitch about a particular person that I know, maybe somehow I would pass on the message. I think that is their business and would not meddle with gossipers who probably have nothing better to do than pick a beef with somebody just because they are weird or do not confirm to their social standards. Hello, not everyone is born a gossiper. I don't need to know what's happening with so and so, if it doesn't concern or have an effect on me. Probably I am better off without the gossips so I don't have a share for it later in akhirat. Wallahu a'lam.

FYI, I am still nice. Deal with it.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Mee Goreng Basah ala BP

Mee goreng basah

Hari cuti ni saya cuba goreng mee resipi Kak Anim (kak ipar) yang saya dapat masa balik dari Batu Pahat hujung minggu lepas dan lepas tu tokok tambah secukup rasa.

Boleh kata menjadi jugak sebab saya tak pernah buat mee goreng dan rasanya boleh tahan, agak pedas dan berperisa sebab ada udang.

500gm mee kuning - basuh & toskan
5 ulas bawang kecil merah
3 ulas bawang putih
8-10 ekor udang kering
1 sudu besar makan cili boh
1 sudu besar makan cili sos
1 sudu besar makan tomato sos
1 sudu besar kicap atau sos tiram
10 ekor udang basah saiz sederhana - dibuang kulit dan dibersihkan.
Kulit & kepala udang direbus untuk dapatkan airnya
Fishball & fishcake secukup rasa - atau boleh digantikan dengan ayam/daging
Sayur sawi secukupnya - atau taugeh
Air secukupnya

Cara memasak:
1. Tumbuk atau blend bawang merah + bawang putih + udang kering dan tumiskan
2. Masukkan cili boh dan tumis sampai naik minyak
3. Tambah sos cili, sos tomato, kicap/sos tiram dan air rebusan udang
4. Masukkan udang/ayam/daging/fishball/fishcake
5. Masukkan sawi + mee kuning dan gaul sehingga mesra
6. Hidangkan dan siap untuk dimakan! Untuk 4-5 orang makan

1. Memandangkan first time buat mee goreng, saya tak pandai agak ramuanya jadi mee goreng ni masin sedikit sebab saya letak garam tambahan. Sebenarnya tak perlu sebab dah ada udang kering + sos cili, sos tomato, kicap/sos tiram.
2. Masak pakai sukatan lebih senang terutamaya kalau resipi sendiri, jadi boleh masak balik dengan rasa yang sama setiap kali.
3. Walaupun pakai sukatan yang sama tapi rasa mungkin berubah sikit sebab jenama sos, saiz udang, kepedasan cili boh mungkin berbeza dari resipi asal.
4. Okay saya cheat sikit masak mee goreng ni sebab ada letak "Cukup Rasa". Rasanya tak payah letak kalau udang kering saya buat resipi asal tadi cukup (5 ekor). 
5. Kalau nak mee goreng lebih basah, tambah saja air secukupnya.